Nayak Nayika Te Gayak Gayika – A Musical Evening

A singer can act to a certain extent because a singer does have the confidence and stage boldness to perform, however not each and every actor can sing. “Nayak Nayika te Gayak Gayika” was an event by organized by Avinash Vishwajit in association with Sakal Sahyadri Suraksha Kavach in Pune, to showcase the singing talent of Marathi Celebs.

Nayak-Nayika Te Gayak Gayika - A musical evening

Marathi celebs like Sumeet Raghvan, Seema Deshmukh, Rasika Sunil and Ajay Purkar were the singers who performed on multiple songs with live orchestra at the event which was anchored by Pushkar Shrotri. The concept was proposed by Neha Nagarkar.

Music started off as a passion for many of these actors. The passion for good music helped them to focus, dedicate, work hard and pushed them further to excel. Just like everything else around us, the music industry is changing and evolving every day. Music is a reflection of the society we live in. The program gave the required platform for the actors who are good singers to perform and showcase another aspect of their talent which otherwise was unknown.

Written by: Tejas Marathe and Kalyani Mitragotri